Dr. Marisa Ponzo
Dr. Marisa Ponzo is a double board certified Dermatologist practicing at the North York Dermatology Clinic. She completed her MD-PhD degree at McGill University in cancer biology and her Dermatology training at University of British Columbia. Her PhD focused on cancer biology. She was the Founder and Director of the PHC Dermatology Centre at St Paul’s Hospital, a tertiary care hospital in downtown Vancouver and served as the Division Head of Dermatology at St Paul’s Hospital as well. She was co-Director of the Med Safe clinic with Dr. Raymond Mak where patients with severe skin adverse reactions are evaluated and in vitro based assays are performed to help determine the inciting agent that caused the reaction. She has special interest in melanoma and completed training at the Melanoma Institute Australia in Sydney, Australia. Her interests include medical and cosmetic dermatology. She also oversees several clinical trials and enjoys being a part of research in Dermatology.